Dear mom! A Mother's Day greeting card message

 I was tasked with writing a greeting card message meant to be by a teen boy to his mom. Most teenage boys wouldn't write anything cheesy like this. But I loved writing this as I imagined that these are all the things teenagers think (ahem! we have to tell ourselves that), but just don't say out loud.

Dear mom,

I want you to know that:

I appreciate all that you do for me, 

even though I don’t say it out loud.

I care about what you think, 

even though I act like I don’t care.

I listen to what you tell me, 

even though I perpetually have an AirPod in one ear.

I rely on you as my moral compass, 

even though I will never admit that I’m lost.

I can’t thank you enough, 

even though I know that Thanks is not enough.

I’m grateful to have you in my life, 

even though I may seem like the most ungrateful kid.

I love you with all my heart, 

though I’m sure you already know that in your heart!


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