This thing called Parenting...

If you've read Dr.Seuss's books, you know the magic of simple rhyming words. Here's my take on a sentimental topic with rhyming words galore!


Parent - when you’re about to be one, it’s so exciting!

Everyone tells you it’ll be life-changing.

You read books about child rearing,

the many expert theories often conflicting.

You prepare yourself for what’s coming.

When you first hold your baby - this little being,

it is instant and forever - the bonding.

In the beginning, it feels like the cycle is never ending…

the crying, feeding, burping, changing!

Then they start cooing, babbling, giggling,

crawling, walking, talking,...

each milestone sends your heart soaring.

On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you end up oversharing

every little trick your cutie pie is mastering.

Then come the years of schooling...

learning to read and write, playing, and socializing.

No one tells you there is so much driving!

From one activity to another, you're chauffeuring.

Meantime, you do your part by cheering.

As the years go on ticking,

you think they’re way too fast growing.

Yes, you'll deal with episodes frustrating,

and you'll find yourself wishing

there was a manual to navigate the maze of parenting.

Just then they’ll surprise you by being amazing.

Along the way, you learn that it's not just about loving and caring,

but also about listening, giving, and more importantly, forgiving.

Even as you wonder if you’re any good at parenting,

towards your own parents you become a more appreciative offspring.

Sometimes, it creeps in untold - the doubting.

You find yourself pondering; wondering

if you have done the right thing,

if you are too lax, too strict, or maybe too giving.

Pretty soon, off they go packing

and you’re left again waiting,

hoping they’re safe and eating,

not driving drunk or while texting.

A jumble of thoughts has you worrying,

a nightmare can send you reeling

until you hear your child’s voice reassuring.

Yes, this thing called parenting...

it is certainly life changing, at times feels challenging.

It is a job that can seem unrewarding,

but, sprinkled through the journey are moments gratifying,

like, when you see your child thriving.

Knowing that you created and nurtured this human being,

that is the most marvelous feeling. It’s a blessing!

So, go ahead, get that bumper sticker saying,

“Yes! I’m surviving parenting!”


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